The Great Pyramid of Gaza: Pharaoh, Moses, and the Palestinians

The Great Pyramid of Gaza: Pharaoh, Moses, and the Palestinians

No, it’s not a typo.

In my book, “The Compassionate Leadership Model and Pyramid,” I delve into the historical narrative involving Moses, Pharaoh, and their connections to the Great Pyramids of Egypt. While the exact location of this historical pyramid remains a mystery, it serves as a powerful metaphor in my discussion. The journey of a compassionate leader is likened to ascending the seven levels of the pyramid, with the peak representing the highest form of leadership.

During my keynote speeches and in the book, I guide readers and audiences to envision reaching this topmost level. It’s a space dedicated to exceptional leaders who selflessly contribute to their communities, teams, and societies without expecting anything in return.

However, reaching this peak also comes with a caution. History reminds us of leaders like Pharaoh during Moses’s time – figures of cruelty and ruthlessness. These leaders, with their relentless ambition and god-like self-perception, often suppressed opposition through harsh means like censorship, job loss, exile, imprisonment, or even death. Communities were uprooted and displaced, enduring great hardships.

The biblical narrative tells us that Moses was sent by God to Pharaoh, bearing a message condemning Pharaoh’s actions as crimes against humanity, fundamentally opposed to the values of righteous people. Pharaoh’s response was to attempt reaching the divine, leading him to commission the construction of the pyramids. His desire was not just to meet but to overpower the God of Moses, symbolizing his ascent to the pyramid’s peak and his claim to supreme leadership.

This historical account serves as a cautionary tale. As we climb the ladder of compassionate leadership, we may encounter individuals resistant to positive change, who seek to undermine progress and maintain their power.

The 100-day conflict in Gaza is a contemporary reminder of this. Pharaoh’s preserved body serves as a historical lesson that ruthless leadership is unsustainable. Yet, the malevolent spirit of such leadership persists in our world.

Call to Action:

I urge everyone, regardless of race, religion, or background, to actively engage in promoting peace. Reach out to President Biden at the White House at 1-202-456-1414, and advocate for a ceasefire to protect the innocent in Gaza. Our collective efforts can help end the violence, destruction, and loss of life. By rejecting misguided and harmful influences, we uphold the principles of justice and compassion. Let’s ensure that the call for “Never Again” resonates universally, safeguarding all communities and honoring the legacy of figures like Moses.


About the author: Dr. Abe Khoureis is a true believer in better humanity through genuine connection. He is named as the Apostle of Compassionate Leadership. He uses his writing and influence to advance positive social change. Follow him at @DrAbeKhoureis.

The Great Pyramid of Giza (Gaza)

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